WINTER BREAK BASKETBALL CAMPDecember 26th, 27th & 30th, 2024FOR BOYS & GIRLS Grades 3rd - 6th (in travel or higher level in-house program)Have fun during break, stay sharp and chance to meet other area players!
Camp will include a warm-up and instructional sessions/stations at the outset (ballhandling/shooting drills, etc.,
and free throws as well), then we'll put competitive teams together for some full-court action all in a fun,
positive & challenging environment!
Location: Oak Grove Middle School in Bloomington (enter door #5).
Dates/Times: Dec. 26th, 27th & 30th, from 9am - 1pm.
Cost: $135 per participant.
**All participants will receive a Lynch Camp t-shirtTo Register: Print off the registration form from this site and either mail in with a check to Bloomington address or
email registration form to and pay via Venmo (as INDIVIDUAL transaction between friends) to @LynchCamps.
Call Mike at 952-426-2506 with any questions.Looking forward to a fun winter camp!!
Summer 2025 Camp Schedule
Professional Basketball Instruction
Summer is a time to improve your child's game. Our camps are designed for young players to improve skills, expand their game, work on fundamentals, meet other area players and HAVE FUN! We'll do all the above as well as run full court games (in all full-day camps) in the mornings and afternoons. Looking forward to working with your child during the Summer of 2025!
Summer Basketball Camps 2025
"Hoop It Up" and join this exciting basketball camp. The Lynch Summer Camp is for all boys and girls who are interested in improving their skills while having fun playing basketball. Your young player will learn important basketball techniques, compete in games and contests, and meet new players from around the area, all while taking their game to the next level.
Players learn the basic skills and fundamentals, with opportunities to apply them in 5-on-5 games. Players are separated by age, size, and skill level, with more advanced drills for the experienced player. As a bonus for enrolling, each participant will receive a free t-shirt.
Typical Full-Day Camp Schedule:
9:00 am - Gather in Teams, Team Trades
9:15 am - Stump The Staff & Camp Stretch
9:30 am - Mass Fundamental Drills
10:00 am - Station Drills
10:45 am - Team Contest
11:00 am - 5 on 5 Games
Noon - Lunch
12:30 pm - Lightning and Free Throw Shooting
1:00 pm - Team Concepts: Offense & Defense
1:15 pm - Individual Contest
1:45 pm - 5 on 5 Games
3:00 pm - Wrap Up
Registration (these links will be updated for '25):
Summer Camps 2025
All Camps are for Boys & Girls ages 8-13 (except where noted*)
Questions? -- Please call (952) 426-2506
June 2025
Week of June 9th
PLYMOUTH (1/2 Day*):
Armstrong High School, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Boys and Girls, Ages 8 -12. Cost: $102 (Plymouth resident), $114 (non-res). Call Kevin with questions (612) 799-2370. Registration starts for Plymouth residents: March 29th. Registration starts for Non-Plymouth residents: April 5th; please go to this website. Class# 23200-01.
LAKEVILLE Little Shooters (1/2 Day*):
Bunker Hills Park - outdoors, June 16th - 19th (Friday is make-up day, if necessary), 9:00 am - noon. Boys & Girls, age 7 - 10, Cost $148.
Apple Valley Community Center, June 23rd - 27th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Boys/Girls, Ages 8 -13. Cost: $245. To register, please complete this registration form. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Week of June 16th
PRINCETON (1/2 Day*): SOCCER CAMP - (Princeton offers enough basketball camps):
Princeton Intermediate School - Fields 1 & 2, June 9th - 12th (4 Sessions), 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm. Boys/Girls, Grades 2 - 6. Cost: $150. To register, please complete this registration form. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Week of June 23rd
Rogers Middle School, June 9th - 13th, 9:00 am - noon. Boys/Girls, Ages 7 - 11. Cost: $149. To register, mail in registration form from this website & mail in. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
LAKEVILLE (1/2 Day):
Bunker Hills Park, June 24th - 27th (Monday - Thursday)
Little Shooters: Ages 5-7, 9:00 am - noon
Cost: $144
Register at
July 2025
Week of July 7th
PLYMOUTH (1/2 Day*):
Wayzata High School, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Boys and Girls, Ages 8 -12. Cost: $102 (Plymouth resident), $114 (non-res). Call Kevin with questions (612) 799-2370. Registration starts for Plymouth residents: March 29th. Registration starts for Non-Plymouth residents: April 5th; please go to this website. Class# 23200-02.
Ellis Middle School, 1700 4th Ave. SE, July 28th - 31st (4 Sessions: Monday - Thursday), 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 13. Cost: $216. To register, please print off the registration form from this website & mail in. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Week of July 14th
Shakopee Area Catholic School (SACS), 2700 17th Avenue E., July 14th - 18th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Boys & Girls, Ages 8-14. Cost: $240. To register, please print off the registration form from this website & mail in. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Waconia Middle School, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 14. Cost: $190. Any questions, call Kevin (612) 799-2370). Registration begins Monday, March 13th; please fill out the registration form from this website.
Week of July 21st
Hassan Elementary School (air-conditioned gym), July 21st - 25th, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 13. Cost: $245. To register, go to ISD 728 Community Educ. website or to this registration form and can pay thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction). If any questions, please contact Mike at 952-426-2506.
LAKEVILLE SUPER SHOOTERS (1/2 Day Basketball Camp):
Bunker Hills Park (outdoor camp), Dates TBD (Friday is a Rain Day), 9:00 am - Noon. Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 11. Cost: $144. To register, go to YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps. Call Mike at 952-426-2506 with any questions.
Hopkins West Jr. High, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 13, Cost: $108. Call Kevin with questions (612) 799-2370. To register, please fill out the registration form from this website. Activity number is 3150901-01. Or call 952-939-8203 to register over the phone.
Week of July 28th
Eden Prairie Community Center (air-conditioned gym), July 28th - August 1st, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Boys & Girls, Ages 6 - 9. Cost: $170. To register, please print off the registration form from this website & mail in. YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER by emailing to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).,
Click on "Search/Registration online",
Type "Lynch" to keyword
To register: click on "+" for appropriate week of camp
August 2025
Week of August 4th
Nativity Catholic School (enter door #12), 9901 E. Bloomington Freeway in Bloomington, August 4th - 8th, 9:00 am - 3:00 am, Girls/Boys, Ages 8 - 13, Cost: $240. Print off the registration form from this site or YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER by emailing to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Week of August 12th
EAGAN (1/2 Day*):
Eagan Community Center, August 12th - 16th. Morning Session: Boys & Girls, Ages 7 - 9, from 9am - Noon. Cost $160. To register, please fill out the registration form. Afternoon Session: Boys/Girls, Ages 9 - 13, from 12:15 - 3:15pm. Cost: $160. To register, please fill out the registration form. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction). The class # is 430 43002 MF1. Can also call Eagan at (651) 675-5000 and ask for Park & Recr. Dept.
Waconia Middle School, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 14. Cost: $190. Any questions, call Kevin (612) 799-2370. Registration begins Monday, March 13th; please fill out the registration form from this website.
Week of August 19th
ST. LOUIS PARK (1/2 Day*):
ROC Court (Outdoor Covered Court), August 19th - August 23rd, 9:00 am - noon. Boys/Girls, Ages 7 - 11. Cost: $160. To register, please print off the registration form from this website & mail in. MAY NOW ALSO REGISTER by emailing Registration Form to and paying thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
PLYMOUTH (1/2 Day):
Plymouth Community Center, Dates TBD, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Boys & Girls, Ages 8 - 12. Cost: $102 (Plymouth resident), $114 (non-res.). Any questions, call Kevin (612) 799-2370. Registration starts for Plymouth residents: March 29th. Registration starts for Non-Plymouth residents: April 5th; please go to this website. Class# 23200-03.
EDEN PRAIRIE (Boys & Girls, 1/2 Camp*):
Eden Prairie Community Center (air-conditioned gym), August 19th - 23rd, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Boys & Girls, Ages 7 - 11. Cost: $160. To register, please print registration form from this site, or go to, click on Youth Recreation (left side of page) and enter 331428 (Activity Code). Lynch Basketball Camp will pop up. Click on the "+" button under Select catagory. If any questions, please contact Mike at (952) 426-2506, or EP Park & Recreation at (952) 949-8470.,
Click on "Search/Registration online",
Type "Lynch" to keyword
To register: click on "+" for appropriate week of camp
Week of August 26th
Hutchinson Recreation Center, August 26th - 29th, (Monday - Thursday), 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Girls/Boys, Ages 8 - 12, Cost: $240. Print off the registration form from this site and email to and pay thru VENMO, @LynchCamps (individual transaction).
Little Shooters Clinics
The Little Shooters Clinics are meant to be a place for the athletes to develop the skills and fundamentals necessary to eventually play competitive 5-on-5 basketball. Participants in Little Shooters will learn basic skills and techniques (advanced skills for the more experienced player), cultivate self-esteem, and encourage teamwork, all while having a blast!
Our experience has been that athletes of all ages spend too little time learning the fundamentals of the game and too much time simply playing 5-on-5. Your son or daughter will get plenty of opportunities to play competitive games the older they get. Because of this, except where noted, we do not do any full-court scrimmaging in this clinic.
Winter/Spring 2025 Little Shooters Basketball and Flag Football Clinics:
Winter/Spring 2025:
Little Shooters Basketball: Shakopee Community Center, March 1st - 22nd, 2025 (4 Saturdays), 12:45 pm - 2:45 pm, for Boys & Girls, ages 7 - 12. Cost: $108. To register, please print off the registration page from this site and mail in with your check. Or email form to & Venmo Payment to @LynchCamps (as INDIVIDUAL transaction between friends). If any questions, please contact Mike at (952) 426-2506.
Flag Football: Oak Shores Park in Lakeville, Dates to be determined, (4 Saturdays), 9:30 am - 11:30 am, Boys & Girls, ages 8 - 11. Cost: $128. To register, please print off the registration page from this site and mail in with your check. Or email form to & Venmo Payment to @LynchCamps (as INDIVIDUAL transaction between friends). Call Mike at (952) 426-2506 with any questions.